Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

From Madison:

"I have the best mom ever. I hit the jackpot. Any time there is any school activity it's just like DING and you are there with me!"

I guess it is all worth it:-) I suppose in a few years it will be a bad thing that I am around the school all the time! I love the DING part, like a just have magical powers that sense a school activity is about to happen and I appear! She must not notice all the crazed scribbles on my calendar!

The last few weeks have been a bit insane with all the school activities.

Art Docent Lessons

Staff Appreciation Events
Madison's Breakfast with her Teacher

Wrapping up the school auction

School Fun Night at the Mariner game

Upcoming events: chairing the walk-a-thon committee for fall event, decorating the stage for the first/second grade musical and coming up with Madison's Little Miss Muffet costume, volunteer breakfast (hey an event where I just get to show up and not set up, organize, cook or clean for AMAZING:-), school carnival, teacher day at Jamba Juice and so much more. The calendar is hitting "black out" status. BINGO!
Some days I wonder if it is all worth it or if I should be one of those parents who sit back and let it all happen as they watch.
1. That is NOT my personality and there is no possible way I would even know how to do that.
2. I realize it IS all worth it. Every minute I spend is valuable time that I truely believe is not only benefiting Madison but the entire student body. I am so thankful to be able to have the gift of staying home with my girls so I can be an active part of their daily education and Madison's comment makes me realize just how important it is!

On the other side, many of you will be very proud of me for officially saying NO to something. I was approached about being the Board Chair (president) for Nora's co-op school. I was seriously considering it and was about ready to say yes when some switch (that I will probably never be able to locate again) turned on in my brain to say NO. Thank goodness. It helps that a great gal stepped up willing to take it on and I know there are so many great families at the co-op. I put in alot of time there but feel I am more needed at the elementary school where there aren't as many willing parents to help out in all the areas.

1 comment:

katy said...

Busy Busy Busy!

It must have felt great to have all your time, effort and love recognized and *appreciated* by Madison.

Volunteering here in the school isn't an option at all. It's just not even part of the culture. Hard to understand/get used to coming from the U.S. and a teaching background . . . but I guess I should just enjoy the simplicity while I can.